Monday, February 20, 2006


DATE: 02/20/2006 08:19:26 PM

From the original "Friendster" version of State of the Craft.

So, it was mid-day Saturday, and I was plugging away at my big project, like I'd plugged away at it all Friday night -- sew sew sew sew sew -- and Sue walked by my sewing room in the hallway. And a thought comes into my head: what does this look like to her? I imagine observing my behavior from outside -- hour after hour after hour of cutting up these scraps of cloth that I've spent so much money on, and sewing them back together. This led to the next thought: What the hell am I doing?

"What the hell am I doing?!" I asked Sue. "This is crazy! I've spent two months of my leisure time, not to mention eighty or ninety dollars, on this damn thing. Any why? What for? Can you give me a single good reason I should be doing this? It's absolutely nuts!!"

She laughed at me, and said something witty about the nature of hobbies, something about how if you are going to have a hobby, you shouldn't ask that kind of question.

I went back to happily sewing little pieces of fabric together.

DATE: 02/25/2006 08:26:40 AM
What a good wife. She's right. You just keep sewing.
AUTHOR: Charlie
DATE: 02/26/2006 06:23:52 PM
Oh come one Michael. We all the know the real reason. So you can kick those ladies' asses at the competition.
AUTHOR: Michael
DATE: 03/02/2006 10:20:52 PM
Charlie: Indeed.

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