Sunday, July 29, 2007

Squares from the Past

Here's one I made for my brother in 2002. I visited him over the weekend, and finally got a halfway-decent picture of it.

The blocks are all paired -- for every block that has a square in Fabric A and a center in Fabric B, there is another one where the square is Fabric B and the center is Fabric A. The pairs couldn't be in the same row or column, and I might have had some other rules too. Since it's 7 x 9 blocks, there is one block that stands alone. I did something different with that one -- maybe signed it? I don't remember for sure.


Rebel said...

Oh man - lucky brother! I really like it, and I love your 'rules' to make it more random. It makes the end product look more balanced even in the chaos of many colors & shades.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Hey, did you know Frank Zappa's wife made a quilt out of undies that girls threw on stage?

Libby said...

You definitely had a commitment to those rules! It seems like it would have taken some major planning, but it looks awesome. I hope your brother fully appreciates it.

Michael5000 said...

@rebel & libby: Oh, I'm all about the rules. Thanks for the nice comments. It's fun getting praised for something I made in 2002. It's like free praise!

@Dr. Noisewater: No, I did not know that. I'm glad to have been alerted to it. This interview with the maker of the quilt (not Zappa's wife, actually) tells the story, links to a picture of the surprisingly attractive quilt, and clears up the question of why women would be throwing their underwear at Frank Zappa, of all people.

jovaliquilts said...

I love this quilt -- I've always liked the pattern and your colors are great. In fact I'm in the midst of making this pattern in batik flannels, and am working really hard on being random in my choices. Random within limits. And your baby blocks are cool!

Michael5000 said...

@jovaliquilts: Thanks, and thanks for stopping by! It's funny to think of it as a "pattern" -- I've only ever used a written pattern once, for a class. But I'm willing to concede that I'm not the first person to have ever thought of blocks where there is a little square inside of a big square!

jovaliquilts said...

Pattern has more than one meaning. I sometimes use purchased patterns (though not for my square in a square quilt), but pattern is also just repetition, and I find this one particularly pleasing.

I just discovered that you respond within the comments section. I like that, because everyone gets to see the whole conversation. Just have to remember to keep checking back!