Monday, March 19, 2007

Max's Quilt

OK, StateoftheCraft is STILL on hiatus. So just calm down. But I did finish a quick project last month, and wanted to show it off here.

This was another baby blanket, for my young friend Max. It's around 4' by 5', and made completely from scrap, surplus, and recycled materials, right down to the thread. Machine quilting along the edges of the blocks, plus free motion to make the little spirals all around the edges. There are lots of pigs and cows and flowers and other groovy stuff in there that Max knows the words for. And, it's got his name:

OK, I admit I could have done better on the "X". Darker thread maybe.

I took it over to give to Max a few weeks ago. And you know, a sane person doesn't give a blanket to a two year old boy with the expectation that he's going to get all worked up about it. But Max got all worked up about it. I hung around talking to his moms for the next 20 minutes or so, and he played with the quilt the whole time -- running back and forth across it, identifying barnyard animals, rolling up in it, and briefly carrying it around in his mouth (his sisters are dogs). It was about the most gratifying reception I ever expect to get for a quilt.