The Wedding Quilt. Has been coming together right on schedule. I will be putting the finishing touches on it the face this week. But I don't like showing pictures of wedding quilts before I give 'em away. So.
Batik Boxes. It has been a long time since I thought this would be an interesting quilt. I just want to finish it now to get it DONE. I guess it's been long enough since I last talked about it that I can justify showing you a picture:
It was maybe 25% quilted two weeks ago. I think I'm up to around 60% now. It will be a less complex quilting pattern than I originally intended, but it's not worth throwing a lot of detail work at.
Symbol. Well, I finalized my faux-symbol for this one. Here's what I finally settled on (OK, OK, I guess I had some pictures after all):
I'm not sure yet exactly how I'm going to transfer that onto fabric, but we'll worry about that later. Meanwhile, I've been pieceing the background part together. It looks pretty cool.
QuiltStorm. And I've been tinkering with some of the StormQuilts, too. But I'll just bother you with finishes for those.
That's all this time!
How big do you want the symbol to be?
really big?
take it to a print shop.
I'd use freezer paper applique to get it onto the quilt top...
I was struck today by the symbol's similarity to Dr. Seuss's style of drawing. I can almost see the grinch or the Cat in the Hat or numerous other creatures lurking in there.
With the exception of the small sperm-like doodle on the bottom I really like it. It also has a "Prince"-ish quality, like when he used to refer to himself as the artist formerly known as Prince. It would be easy enough to do a reverse applique technique with it as well as a direct applique.
Batik squares (boxes?) looks really good, too. A progress report can be boring but oh, so gratifying as well, donchya think?
Oooh, the artist formerly known as prince - someone should make a quilt of that.
So what's the background for your symbol like? You can't just say "it's pretty cool" and not show us. I do like the symbol, seems very eastern and alphabetic, nice motion. I see a quilt in my head and am very curious whether what you see is at all like what I'm envisioning.
I like the final symbol thingie you came up with . . .
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