Un. Be. Lievable.
But I'll take it.
It's for Labyrinth.
You have no idea how happy this makes me. Does that make me a dork? I can live with that.
O.K., we now return to our regularly scheduled Summer Sabatical. See you in August!
Further Adventures of a Boy Quilter.
Big time congratulations!! -Lisa
There isn't a lot in life that beats getting your first ribbon.
You know why? It's because it's not just compelling to look at and creative but because it's gorgeous. I love the colors in the background. Of course, I would've been fascinated by the color play even without the labyrinth, which I guess shows how easy to please I am. :-)
Yahoo ! Very well done.
Congratulations!!! You deserved it, that quilt took my breath away the first time I saw it on the blog. Awesome!
Hail, victor!
Well deserved... I love the symmetry of the entrance and exit points and the asymmetry of the rest of it.
Way to fill a field.
Congratulations!! It always feels good to be recognized by your peers . . . and have them say more than just "Hey, don't I know you?"
Congratulations!! I bet there was always a crowd around it. It should have gotten first place. I'll take a viewers choice award any old day over a judged prize.
Many congratulations!! It's well deserved!
Enjoy the sabbatical..
YEEEAAAAAHHHH! good show, m5000! you totally earned it. :)
Yaaaaaaaaaay - congratulations! Well-deserved honors, to be sure. And, Happy Hiatus!
Well done!
Very, very cool! Congrats!
Congrats! Well deserved for an incredible quilt!
sorry I missed seeing your quilt in person-nice ribbon! I went back and read your post link-what an amazing amount of work put into your design.
nice to meet a fellow quilter/blogger in the neighborhood -Fibers In Motion being not all that far from is also my favorite closest quilt shop.
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