Long-time readers know that traditionally, the quilting year begins with the first University of Oregon football game. And indeed, I am first and foremost a Duck. But I'm actually ready to fly the flag of any college team from my fair state (you can read here if you have an inexplicable desire to know about my college football loyalties, or if you just have oodles of time on your hands), and while the Ducks aren't playing until Saturday, the Oregon State Beavers take the field at 7 PDT tomorrow. And I'll be right there with them. Quilting.

A Couple Shows
As if to celebrate the new year, although actually just by coincidence, I'm sending my warhorse Log Cabin back on tour. It will be in my home town, Bandon, Oregon, at the quilt show of the annual, heh, "Cranberry Festival," September 6 to 9, or something like that. After that, it should be at the "2007 Festival of Quilts" in Gold Beach, Oregon, September 16 and 17. And after that, I think I'll retire it from shows -- I've shown it pretty much to death.
Fabric is Still Drawn to Me
After I wrote the last post, about how I keep bumping into free fabric, I went out for a run and had to cut it short when I ran into a big box of fabric that somebody had put out for free on the sidewalk. I include photoevidence for an unneccessarily sceptical quilt blogger who I won't mention specifically, but whose name sounds like "Guilty the Hipster."
The green and the stripey flannel were actually bedsheets when I found them, but a few minutes with a good pair of scissors made them into several yards each of extra-width fabric. The purple is two yards of good quality quilting fabric. The tan was a very good matched set of sheets which, for better or worse, will continue to serve in a sheet capacity for the time being.
I'm in a ring of quilt blogs! Cool! The little navigation panel for it is up there on the left somewhere, if you want to poke around.
Happy New Quilt Year, Everyone!
OK, but COME ON - you have to admit that is pretty bizarre. I mean it does SOUND, dare I say it, unbelievable... Tomorrow when there are fat quarters rolled up in your morning paper, be sure to take a picture...
@Guilty the Hipster: OK, I'll admit it's getting a little weird. On my ride to work today, I passed another free box, with fabric literally packed into it. This time, though, it was poor quality and not very interesting, so I took a pass on it. Fabric loves me so much that I'm getting picky about my freebies.
Welcome to the ring!! How lucky for you to get free fabric -- I still have to pay for mine... or at least my husband does...lol
You know I'm the opposite, I do my quilting in the summer, then it starts getting cooler I bring out my knitting.
Congrats on even more free fabric, that purple swirly print is awesome. Just don't forget to pay-it-forward!
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